Introduction to Meisner Technique

Introduction to Meisner Technique


25 NOV 2019

with Kristin Van Der Voort

4 week course

“Acting is living truthfully under imaginairy circumstances.” –Sanford Meisner

Mondays 25 November to 16 December, 2019
19:00 to 21:30

ImproBubble, 184 Rue Haute

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“Acting is living truthfully under imaginairy circumstances.” –Sanford Meisner

Meisner said that actors make two mistakes: they don’t listen and they put their attention on themselves. During these 4 weeks you will be introduced to Meisner’s Repetition exercise that is designed to no longer make those mistakes. You will have to put your attention on your partner, listen to them fully, trust your instincts and completely be in the present moment.  You will learn to fully surrender to all parts of yourself so that you can go deeper into what it means to be free and truthful on stage and in life.


About the teacher

Kristin Van Der Voort

Rozana is a mother, an actress and an improviser. She started improvisation 15 years ago in Bucharest creating Improvisneyland, the longest-serving impro group in Romania, alongside 6 other actors. They were the first Romanian improvisers to ever perform at the Second City and Impro Amsterdam.

She has done theatre, cinema, television, ballet, aerobics, fencing, ballroom dancing, and she would love to learn capoeira. She also improvises in French in Rouge, a socially engaged show that tackle gender inequalities. Aside from improv, she is a member of U-Thrive, an NGO specialised in alternative education for children, teenagers and disadvantaged communites.

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