Paws and Claws in Everyday Plots

Paws and Claws in Everyday Plots


Autumn-Winter 2023

with Billy Kissa

Fridays October 13 to December 8 2023
19:00 to 22:00

Rue General Leman, Eeterbeek

Perform at l'Improviste on Sunday, 10 December 2023

This module is only bookable after application and audition. Auditions will be held on September 29 & October 6 2023 at 7pm.

Enquiries and applications to audition via:

Book course

What if a raccoon doctor had a horse as a patient? What if a spider went on a date with a seagull? How would a business meeting between a rabbit and a sloth go? All of us have important questions like that. Finally, we have to wonder no more!! The cast of this show will answer all these questions and more in a physical and energetic show that will reveal the secret lives of animals.

Academy courses are performance modules in which we focus on teaching and coaching the most dedicated improvisers to perform our formats to the standard that we hold our professional productions at!

In order to take this module, please send an application to outlining your impro experience and your availability to audition.

What you’ll experience

  • A professional approach to working on and rehearsing for a format

  • Personal feedback

  • The nuts and bolts of putting a show together from every aspect (including production)

  • How to work well with a group of improvisers when you are not a troupe

  • Work on the specific improv skills, needed for the format (physicality, fast reactions, specificity, imitation, adaptation)

Who this is for

This is one of our Academy classes. These courses are intended for ambitious and advanced improvisers who already have at 3 + years of impro experience (including performance experience), who want to level up and work at a professional or semi-professional level.

There will be an audition and application process to select the participants for this course. Successful applicants will also be considered for future ImproBubble productions with our professional troupes.

Feedback will be an essential component of this course, as will a personal commitment from each individual to attend a production training as well as to take personal responsibility in the promotion of this show. The participants’ presence at each class is a requirement; if there are absences, it will be up to the discretion of the director whether they get to perform.

About the teacher

Billy Kissa

Billy Kissa is an actress of scripted and improvisational theatre from Greece that moved to Brussels in 2022. After graduating from “Theater of Arts, Karolos Koun”, she crossed paths with Improv Theater. 

Ever since she has been teaching and performing improv all over the world. 

She’s part of the European Network for improvisers “The SIN”, a member of the European coalition for women in Improv “Project.Eve” and part of the international troupe “3 Deadly Sinners” and the Impro Duo “BE”. She was a co-creator and co-organiser of the Greek improv festival “Mount Olymprov”.

She works with adults, children of all ages.

Her strongest quality though is that she is a cat whisperer. Meeeoow (you can’t read this, but your cat can!)


The ImproBubble world

Perks for our students!